Come, discover the unique magic of Uluguru Mountains.

Tanzania Unforgettable

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The Uluguru Mountains are a collection of peaks that are situated in eastern Tanzania. They are primarily located within the country’s Morogoro Region.
The mountain chain, which lies approximately 200 km (125 mi) inland from the Indian Ocean, is part of the Eastern Arc Mountains. The Eastern Arc Mountains are themselves a collection of ranges that stretch from southeastern Kenya to the Udzungwa Mountains in southeastern Tanzania.
The Uluguru Mountains are about 45 km (28 mi) long. They consist of a main ridge that runs from north to south and five standalone massifs: Kitulangh’alo, Dindili, Mkumgwe, Mindu, and Nguru ya Ndege. The mountains in the range are steep and marked by cliffs and rocky outcrops. The Uluguru Mountains and the surrounding peaks of the Eastern Arc have long been considered to be of top conservation priority due to the high numbers of endemic species that they support Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks such as granulite, gneiss, and migmatite are the primary rocks found in the Uluguru Mountains. Soils in the range are primarily acidic lithosols and ferralitic red, yellow, and brown latosols. A few areas of the range, like the Lukwangule Plateau, are covered by peat deposits. The soils here are generally fertile and the region is intensively used for agriculture.

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